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Encounters with truth (Portuguese)

Оригинальное название:
Extensive interviews in sync with Rajmohan Gandhi about his action

Этот фильм также существует в:


David Channer (and team, see below)

Content's description:

Extensive interviews in sync with Rajmohan Gandhi about his action, his story, his relation to his grandfather's (Mahatma) philosophy, and his involvment with Moral Re-Armament in India. Archive pictures of the Mahatma Gandhi (subject to copyright outside MRA / IofC, see below) ; interviews and testimonies of people working with Rajmohan Gandhi in India, taking concrete action to bring about positive change in their country.

Production's date:


Music composed and performed by :

Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia

News and archive :

Asian films / Newstrack, New Delhi / British Pathe News / British Movietonews

Production Team :

Alan Channer / Michael Henderson / Keith Newman / Andrew Stallybrass

Commentator :

John Rowe

Co-Producers :

Clare Gartrell Davis / Robert Dragotta

Associate Producer and Sound :

Rahul Kapadia

Editor :

Ian Corcoran

Язык фильма

Portuguese, Brazil

Оригинальное название
Продолжительность фильма
Расположение исходного материала
Расположение копий DVD / видео
Publishing permission
Not established
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full video content of this film on this website.
Язык фильма

Portuguese, Brazil

Оригинальное название
Продолжительность фильма
Расположение исходного материала
Расположение копий DVD / видео
Publishing permission
Not established
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full video content of this film on this website.