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Kalpana Sharma

Kalpana Sharma (born 1947) is an Indian journalist, editor, and writer. Currently freelance, she has worked with several Indian dailies, including The Indian Express, The Times of India, and The Hindu, where she was a deputy editor and chief of the Mumbai bureau. In 1987, she received the Chameli Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women Mediapersons. She has written and edited several books of reportage from India, including Rediscovering Dharavi (2000), which consists of reporting about Dharavi, a large slum in the city of Mumbai, India, and The silence and the storm: narratives of violence against women in India (Aleph 2019).

In her youth, Kalpana worked with Moral Re-Armament at the time of the creation of the MRA center, Asia Plateau, in Panchgani, Maharashtra. She travelled extensively with musical shows and as a speaker. She then became the editor of Himmat, a weekly lauched by Rajmohan Gandhi.

Birth year
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Birth year
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