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Chris Evans

MRA/IofC worker and outreacher who has also taken central governance roles

Chris grew up in Herefordshire, England, where his family have a farm, and where he still lives. He became involved in MRA as a teenager, making friends with several others in the movement with whom he has worked for over 50 years. After school, he travelled to Asia and Australasia with the MRA musical 'Anything to Declare', remaining to help with the MRA programme in India until 1971.

For two years (1976 & ’77) he was a full-time farmer, and during that time he married Anne Vickers. Otherwise, he has worked as a full-time volunteer with a number of MRA programmes (for example, the Caux Conference for Business and Industry, Foundations for Freedom, the Clean Slate Campaign and Initiatives for Land, Lives and Peace.)

During this time he also took governance responsibilities in the organisation (on the UK Board of MRA/IofC for 34 years. Treasurer for 12 years and Chair for 3; on the Board of IofC USA 1997 – 2008; and on the International Council from 2003 – 2008). He and Anne have two sons, Charlie and Tim, and four grandchildren. Fishing is one of his passions, although he seems to think about it more often than he has the chance to do it!

In 2020 he was licensed as a Reader in the Church of England.

Birth year
United Kingdom
Primary country of residence
United Kingdom
Birth year
United Kingdom
Primary country of residence
United Kingdom