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Alan Weeks

A peace-builder, who worked to maintain, restore and strengthen peace by promoting reconciliation and the peaceful resolution of disputes

Alan sailed as a Radio Officer with P&O for several years, before joining the British Antarctic Survey for a year at its Halley Bay research station. On his return to the UK in 1966, he joined the cast of It’s Our Country, Jack, donating his savings for sound equipment and serving as Stage Manager, a role he continued to fill with Anything to Declare (ATD). In 1969, he married Elizabeth Mills from Melbourne and they travelled together onATD’s tour of India and Australasia, later returning to PNG, where they worked with IofC and made their home for several years. The role that Alan subsequently played in delicate negotiations over the future of Bougainville was acknowledged by all parties. 

Birth year
Death year
United Kingdom
Primary country of residence
Birth year
Death year
United Kingdom
Primary country of residence