Afbeeldingen Deze pagina bestaat in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter op Titel Personen op de foto Filters Maker Picture number Type afbeelding Cartoon Landschapsfoto Groepsfoto Schilderij Portret foto Toon alle soorten Toon minder soorten Paginataal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Tijdsperiode Minimaal Maximaal Sorteren op Sorteren op Datum toegevoegd AscDatum toegevoegd BeschrijvingDatum genomen AscDatum genomen BeschrijvingTitel AscTitel Beschrijving Created with Lunacy Raster Created with Lunacy Lijst 3571 resultaten Groepsfoto English English Danish Officers for training course in Caux Schepper Onbekend 1947 Groepsfoto Danish Officers for training course Schepper Onbekend 1947 English English Groepsfoto English English Chief Jonathan Barasa of the Bukusu, Kenya wi... Schepper Onbekend 1953 MORAL RE-ARMAMENT ASSEMBLY CAUX 53, :Chief Jonathan Barasa of the Bukusu, Kenya with Mr. N. Keshavaiengar, member for Bangalore in the House of the People, India, and President of the Indian Nat. Trad... Groepsfoto Chief Jonathan Barasa of the Bukusu, Kenya wi... Schepper Onbekend 1953 English English Groepsfoto English English Editor Marconi and MP Rappelli meet in Caux Schepper Onbekend Marconi was editor of the Catholic newspaper "Il Quotidiano" and Mr Rappelli was a Christian Democrat MP and General Secretary of the Italian Trade Union Congress. Groepsfoto Editor Marconi and MP Rappelli meet in Caux Schepper Onbekend English English Activity photo English English Screenshot from Sing Out Australia.jpg Activity photo Screenshot from Sing Out Australia English English Groepsfoto English English Major Harawira and his wife and daughter danc... Schepper Onbekend 1955 Groepsfoto Major Harawira and his wife and daughter danc... Schepper Onbekend 1955 English English Groepsfoto English English General Cadorna shaking hand with Ruedi Hahnl... Schepper Onbekend Groepsfoto General Cadorna shaking hand with Ruedi Hahnl... Schepper Onbekend English English Portret foto English English Tom Ellwood, from Ireland Schepper Onbekend 1974 Portret foto Tom Ellwood, from Ireland Schepper Onbekend 1974 English English Groepsfoto English English Delegates in 1948 do the wash up Schepper Onbekend 1948 Groepsfoto Delegates in 1948 do the wash up Schepper Onbekend 1948 English English Groepsfoto English English Michael Hutchinson welcoming Cameroonians in ... Schepper Onbekend Groepsfoto Michael Hutchinson welcoming Cameroonians Schepper Onbekend English English Groepsfoto English English The Mayor of Pennsburg, Jim Mullen, reads out... Schepper Onbekend 1989 Groepsfoto The Mayor of Pennsburg reads out the message ... Schepper Onbekend 1989 English English Groepsfoto English English Buchman with De Vries and Prince Soekwati Schepper Onbekend 1948 Groepsfoto Buchman with De Vries and Prince Soekwati Schepper Onbekend 1948 English English Portret foto English English Zinaida Mirkina, wife of Grigory Pomerants Schepper Onbekend Portret foto Zinaida Mirkina, wife of Grigory Pomerants Schepper Onbekend English English Groepsfoto English English Farmers conference, 1969 Arthur Strong 1969 Swiss, Swedish and British farmers Groepsfoto Farmers conference, 1969 Arthur Strong 1969 English English Groepsfoto English English German and Dutch Press and radio representati... Schepper Onbekend 1948 Alfred Schwingenstein, business manager of the " Sud-Deutsche Zeitung"Helmut Goldshagg, co-publisher of the "Sud-Deutsche Zeitung"Anton Betz, Chairman of Deutsche Presse Dienst and editor of "Rheinisc... Groepsfoto Press and radio representatives man the wash ... Schepper Onbekend 1948 English English Groepsfoto English English Russian philosopher Pomerants with his wife Schepper Onbekend Groepsfoto Russian philosopher Pomerants with his wife Schepper Onbekend English English Groepsfoto English English Father Tabone with two Maltese compatriots Schepper Onbekend 1976 Groepsfoto Father Tabone with two Maltese compatriots Schepper Onbekend 1976 English English Portret foto English English Captain Geoffrey Appleyard Schepper Onbekend Portret foto Captain Geoffrey Appleyard Schepper Onbekend English English Groepsfoto English English Education conference, 1969 Schepper Onbekend 1969 Groepsfoto Education conference, 1969 Schepper Onbekend 1969 English English Portret foto English English Gerrit Wagner Schepper Onbekend 1975 Portret foto Gerrit Wagner Schepper Onbekend 1975 English English Groepsfoto English English Caux Industrial conference, 1969 Arthur Strong 1969 Groepsfoto Caux Industrial conference, 1969 Arthur Strong 1969 English English Bekijk meer (van 3571)